Polio Place

A service of Post-Polio Health International


Bits and pieces of the history of poliomyelitis can be found in many places, such as academic institutions, state and private libraries, governmental facilities and the archives of nonprofits and professionals organizations. These facilities have been located and described in "Collections."

The PHI (Post-Polio Health International) Collection contains past publications dating as far back as 1955, including the Gazette, Polio Network News, IVUN News and Ventilator-Assisted Living, and various specialty publications. 

Bentley Historical Library

Within the Bentley Historical Library collection is, “Poliomyelitis and the Salk Vaccine: A Guide to Resources in the Bentley Historical Library,” a printed (now on-line) guide prepared to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the announcement that the poliomyelitis vaccine developed by Dr. Jonas Salk (University of Pittsburgh) was safe and effective.

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Colorado Post-Polio Organization

This collection includes full PDFs of Colorado Post-Polio Connections from Summer 2006 through Spring 2012. More materials may be found in the Colorado Post-Polio Library, located at Easter Seals Colorado. It contains a small collection of books and videotapes that may be checked out for a limited period of time.

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Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum contains information on Dr. Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine as it relates to the time period of the Eisenhower administration.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum  contains an on-line finding aid to 385 manuscript collections, many relating to the polio topic and President Roosevelt's public support in fighting the disease, including the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation. Of particular interest are the President's Personal Files 334: Infantile Paralysis, 1933-1945 (Boxes 1 and 2), and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Family, Business and Personal Papers; Subject File; Folder: Infantile Paralysis: FDR's Attack and Treatment (Box 23).

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Hickory Public Library/Patrick Beaver Memorial

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International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN)

The IVUN (International Ventilator Users Network) Collection entry contains copies of all the newsletters published since IVUN was formed in 1987. The newsletter was called IVUN News from 1987 until mid- 2003 when it became Ventilator-Assisted Living. IVUN addresses the needs of all users (ie, ALS, DMD, SCI, SMA, post-polio, etc.) of home mechanical ventilation. IVUN News (January 1987, Vol. 1, No. 1)

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March of Dimes Archives

The March of Dimes Archives is the official repository of non-current records of the March of Dimes. Its polio-related holdings include published and unpublished information in a variety of media created, received, and maintained by the March of Dimes and its predecessor, The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

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Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group of the Wood County Society

  Memories and Anecdotes 1988-2013 This book containes a history of the Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group as well as 30 individual stories from various members of the group. Click above to open a full-text PDF copy.

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Nebraska Polio Survivors Association

This online collection includes full PDFs of Gleanings, the support group newsletter of the Nebraska Polio Survivors Association, between 1985 and 1989.

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New York University Archives

The New York University Archives contains a small, non-digitized collection on Dr. Albert Sabin, including information about awards given to him by New York University and speeches he gave at New York University, along with some photographs of Dr. Sabin. New York University Archives Bobst Library 10th Floor 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 USA

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