Bits and pieces of the history of poliomyelitis can be found in many places, such as academic institutions, state and private libraries, governmental facilities and the archives of nonprofits and professionals organizations. These facilities have been located and described in "Collections."
The PHI (Post-Polio Health International) Collection contains past publications dating as far back as 1955, including the Gazette, Polio Network News, IVUN News and Ventilator-Assisted Living, and various specialty publications.
Bentley Historical Library
Colorado Post-Polio Organization
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
Hickory Public Library/Patrick Beaver Memorial
International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN)
March of Dimes Archives
Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group of the Wood County Society
Nebraska Polio Survivors Association
New York University Archives