"Alligator" Iron Lung
Jim Costello, Ireland
Now 71, I have been using an iron lung from time to time for well over 55 years. I have also used a cuirass (chest shell), though that was nearly 25 years ago. I have also tried a rocking bed ventilator, a “Tunny” jacket and other types many years ago. Recently, I have been using either a Nippy or Breas noninvasive ventilator more and more. I use my present NIV vent with a nasal pillows interface, with the Adam Headgear Straps, and an HME in the circuit.
I still use my "Alligator" Iron Lung Ventilator from time-to-time, particularly with chest infections. I find that it stretches the "dead parts" of my lungs much better than NIV, and therefore helps me to loosen any mucus there. Otherwise, nowadays I use a Nippy 3+ ventilator with internal and external batteries.