The list of medical articles in this section date from 1981 to present and focus on polio's late effects, post-polio syndrome and aging with polio. They are listed in alphabetical order by first author.
References noted with the check mark are classic or seminal articles, summary articles or articles reporting longitudinal studies.
Post-Polio Sequelae (entire issues)
Post-Polio Syndrome: Identifying Best Practices in Diagnosis & Care
Whole body vibration on people with sequelae of polio
Ankle-foot orthoses that restrict dorsiflexion improve walking in polio survivors with calf muscle weakness
Sleep-disordered breathing in neuromuscular disease
Post poliomyelitis syndrome: A rare sequel of acute poliomyelitis
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for sleep disturbances and fatigue in patients with post-polio syndrome
Bilateral lower limb polio, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and recurrent acute coronary syndrome in a poly tobacco user: A preventable triple tragedy
The Role of Exercise in the Patient with Post-Polio Syndrome
A comparison of symptoms between Swedish and American post-polio individuals and assessment of lower-limb strength – a four-year cohort study