Karen Hagrup
I am disabled and proud. I have a doctorate and two daughters. I live in a nice condo with my partner. I’m retired and volunteer regularly in my community. People come to me for help. I rarely worry anymore about others’ attitudes toward my impairment; they’ve probably got it wrong anyway.
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The Americans with Disabilities Act gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. See Title I (Employment).
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Nancy Baldwin Carter, BA, M Ed Psych, Omaha, Nebraska, is a polio survivor, a writer, and is founder and former director of Nebraska Polio Survivors Association.
We’re talking civil rights here. Big Time. “Our crowning achievement of the 20th Century,” as Justin Dart, Jr. called it—the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act—the ADA. On July 26 we celebrated its anniversary. Twenty years of freedom.
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Show Me Accessibility!
For WE'RE STILL HERE! Week, October 11-17, 2015, PHI asked its Members - What activities do you now enjoy that were previously impossible to access? What places have you now visited that were previously inaccessible? Send us a photo that illustrates the ability to access the activity or location.
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Many survivors need to work because their jobs provide a necessary source of income as well as health insurance and retirement benefits. Many derive a sense of satisfaction or an identity from work. However, some face the dilemma of fulfilling work obligations and demands which can increase the strain on overworked muscles and increase “global” fatigue affecting mental acuity. The struggle to stay employed and the fear of potential loss of income creates a stress on personal relationships.
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Travel overseas - or anywhere - can be enjoyable, enriching, enlightening, or a complete disaster if your equipment ends up mutilated or at the wrong destination. You should have the adventures, not your wheelchair.
I have flown with a power scooter and a manual wheelchair, and have accompanied others who traveled with power wheelchairs. Air travel affords you less control over the destiny of your equipment than bus or train travel. But knowledge is power, and the more you know about traveling with equipment, the greater your changes of having a problem-free trip.
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The independent living movement grew out of the anger and frustration of people with disabilities who were excluded from places of education, work, general retail, worship, and recreation due to barriers in architecture, transportation, and communications.
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Most people are very surprised at how much space is required install an ADA (Americans with Disabilities) compliant ramp. A very strong helper can push a wheelchair up a ramp that is steeper than 1/12 (1 inch of height for every foot of length) which is the MINIMUM SLOPE allowed for a residence. Many power chairs are powerful enough to climb a ramp that is steeper than code. It is recommended that a ramp in a commercial building have a gentler slope of 1/20.
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