Polio Place

A service of Post-Polio Health International

Polio Survivors & Associates

PSA is a Rotarian Action Group dedicated to the humanitarian assistance of polio survivors. PSA is a logical extension of Rotary’s concern for the health needs of the world and serves as the living legacy of the worldwide PolioPlus program to eradicate polio. This Action Group operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not controlled by Rotary.

PSA was founded in 2003 as a Rotarian Fellowship whose members were individuals and groups with a common interest in polio survivors; health issues such as postpolio syndrome; polio support groups; related organizations and institutions. In 2005, the Rotary International Board of Directors recognized the value of these Fellowships and their potential for assisting RI in implementing humanitarian programs throughout the world, and formed Rotary Action Groups.


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