The spine and supporting muscles are the support system for all movement. Polio survivors may experience spinal problems directly related to residual muscle weakness or secondary problems related to aging. Some of the symptoms of spine problems can be confused with post-polio syndrome. This video, recorded at PHI's 11th International Conference in 2014, includes information on how acute polio affects the spine, spine problems that can develop later in life, and how to differentiate spine conditions from post-polio syndrome. The presenters, Carol Vandenakker Albanese, MD, Kathryn Wollam, PT, and Cynthia Henley, PT, discuss medical treatment options and physical therapy interventions, including the use of modalities, therapeutic exercise, body mechanics and ADL modifications to decrease stress on the spine.
NEW STUDY ON AFM AND POLIO A new study concerning acute flaccid myelitis (AFM... More
NEW STUDY ON AFM AND POLIO A new study concerning acute flaccid myelitis (AFM... More