Polio Place

A service of Post-Polio Health International

European Polio Union (EPU)

The EPU (founded in 2007) is an umbrella organization working for people with polio and post-polio syndrome living in Europe. Its goals are to collect data on people with polio and make the information available to European countries and their researchers. The website is internationally accessible and offers medical information from specialized doctors, allied health professionals and institutions, best practices, and immunization advocacy. EPU has 16 member organizations in 13 countries:

BELGIUM: Post Polio BelgiumAssociation Francophone Polio&Post-polio (AFPPP)Association Belge des Paralysés (ABP)

DENMARK: Landsforeningen af Polio-, Trafik- og Ulykkeskadede (PTU)

FINLAND: Suomen Polioliitto Ry

FRANCE: Groupe de Liaison et d’Information Post-Polio

GERMANY: Bundesverband Polio e.V.EIKA Aachen Polio-Forum (Associate Member)Polio Selbsthilfe e.V.

ITALY: AIDM Onlus - Associazione Interregionale Disabili Motori Onlus

IRELAND: Post Polio Support Group (PPSG)

NETHERLANDS: (Post) Polio Group from the VSN (Vereniging Spierziekten Nederland)

NORWAY: Landsforeningen for Polioskadde

Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft für Poliomyelitis Spätfolgen (SIPS)(Deutsch/German)Communauté Suisse d'intérêt pour les suites tardives de la poliomyélite (CISP) (Français/French); Comunità Svizzerad'interessi dei postumi tardivi della poliomielite (CSIP) (Italiano/Italian)

SPAIN: Associatión Afectados de Polio y Sindrome Postpolio

SWEDEN: Riksförbundet för Trafik-, Olycksfalls – och Polioskadade (RTP)

UNITED KINGDOM: The British Polio Fellowship

EPU is also a member of European Federation of Neurological Associations and European Organization of Rare Diseases.           


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