Polio Place

A service of Post-Polio Health International

Communicating for Understanding

Stephanie T. Machell, PsyD
Aging and PPS affect all relationships, not just those with family members. It can be difficult to know how to discuss the changes that have occurred or are occurring, even with close friends. It can be even more difficult to know how (or if, or when) to present this information to new friends or potential relationship partners. Learn some ideas for how (or if, or when) to talk about disability and PPS with friends and others.

Rhoda Olkin, PhD
An experienced mom, partner, and psychology professor, and author with polio, the presentation will introduce ideas about living and aging with a disability. These include models of disability and polio within a family context and suggestions for polio survivors and their families based on new data about falling, depression and well-being.

Presented at PHI's 11th International Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, May 31 - June 3, 2014.


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