Born: February 5, 1906
Died: February 4, 1997
Major Contribution:
A self-taught American inventor of biomedical devices, Emerson specialized in respiratory equipment (see "Polio Equipment Price List, March 31, 1956") and made improvements to the design of the iron lung. The Emerson lung was lighter, quieter, simpler, more reliable and was widely used in the ‘30s and ‘40s and the 1950s polio epidemics.
Other Information:
Brief Biography: John Haven Emerson was born in 1906 in New York City, the son of Dr. Haven Emerson (Haven, a highly-respected New York City Commissioner of Health for many years, was the force behind the quarantine of families during the 1916 polio epidemics). John “Jack” Emerson never graduated from high school, but his inventiveness resulted in 35 patent designs, including diving equipment.
Emerson Iron Lung: In 1969, LIFECARE Services, Inc, now Respironics Colorado (Philips), entered into a contract with the March of Dimes (MOD) to maintain respiratory equipment provided by the MOD to polio survivors. This included the iconic J. H. Emerson iron lung. (LIFECARE was founded in 1968 in Boulder, Colorado, by James C. Campbell and sold to Respironics in 1996.)
In 1984, LIFECARE purchased MOD’s inventory assuming all responsibility for the equipment. The MOD continued to pay LIFECARE a mutually-agreed upon fee for equipment for survivors who didn’t have private insurance or governmental support.
In a 2004 letter, George Emerson, President of J. H. Emerson and son of Jack, reported that the company didn’t manufacture iron lungs after 1970, and “the production numbers in the 1960s was limited. Having not manufactured the device for over 30 years, we are no longer able to provide replacement parts for them.”
That same year, when it was obvious that parts were no longer available and the stock was low, Respironics Colorado alerted users of the older equipment * and their physicians of the problem. The company worked with them to switch to newer more efficient respiratory equipment and/or to assist them to assure the equipment was maintained. The number of individuals using the iron lung rented from Respironics Colorado in 2004 was 35. In 2011, the number is 9. To date, no iron lung user who has contacted the company has been denied service. An unknown number of individuals own their iron lung.
In the early 1990s, the JH Emerson Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, developed a machine called the In-Exsufflator (later to be called the CoughAssist) to assist with coughing. The device was reminiscent of the Cof-flator made in the late 1950s and early 1960s by the O.E.M. Corporation.
Emerson died in 1997 at 90 years of age.
The Emerson Company was purchased by Respironics in 2007. See related article from the Pittsburgh Business Times.
* Examples of other older equipment include the rocking bed (J.H. Emerson), Bantam and Bantam GS (Thompson), the cuirass/shells and Pulmo-wraps powered by the 170C (Monaghan), Huxley and the Maxivent (Thompson). The Bantams, Monaghan 170Cs and the Huxleys were also used for mouth positive pressure breathing, as was Puritan-Bennett’s AP5 IPPB (intermittent positive pressure breathing).
Location of papers: The papers and other documents of the Emerson Company are privately held by the family.
The JH Emerson Company produced a booklet entitled “The Evolution of Iron Lungs.”
Additional information can be found at The Center For Disability And Public History's Disability History Museum and in a Time magazine article published in 1933 about the Drinker/Emerson dispute. The Boston Globe published an obituary February 7, 1997. A tribute was published in Respiratory Care, July 1998, Vol. 43, No. 7. An example of the Emerson iron lung is housed at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Information on the Emerson infant respirator is available from the Dittrick Center at Case Western Reserve University.
From PubMed (a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health).
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Permanent Artificial Respiration With The Iron Lung; Report On 105 Respiratorily Paralyzed Poliomyelitis Patients From 1947 To 1952. Aschenbrenner R, Donhardt A, Foth K. Munch Med Wochenschr. 1953 Jul 10;95(28):777-81; Concl. Undetermined Language. No Abstract Available.
Therapy Of Poliomyelitic Respiratory Paralysis With Special Reference To Iron Lung. Bottner H. Med Klin (Munich). 1953 Jul 10;48(28):999-1002. Undetermined Language. No Abstract Available.
Clinical Considerations On Iron Lung In Poliomyelitis. Damonte R, Seoane Mm. Prensa Med Argent. 1953 Feb 6;40(6):330-6. Undetermined Language. No Abstract Available.
An Improved Iron Lung. Murray Aj. Br Med J. 1956 Jun 9;1(4979):1361. No Abstract Available. Free Full Text In Pubmed Central.
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The genesis of the iron lung. Early attempts at administering artificial respiration to patients with poliomyelitis. Markel H. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1994 Nov;148(11):1174-80. No abstract available.
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The Mechanism Of Acute Exacerbation In Chronic Pulmonary Diseases And The Treatment Of Acute Exacerbation In Chronic Pulmonary Diseases, Especially With "Iron Lung". 2. The Treatment Of Acute Exacerbation In Chronic Pulmonary Diseases, Especially With "Iron Lung." Ando H. Naika Hokan. 1972;19(2):45-58. Japanese. No Abstract Available.
Articles from WorldCat™
Spirit - Stricken with polio 41 years ago, Mark O'Brien became a published writer and the subject of an Oscar-winning film--all from inside an iron lung. People weekly. (July 14, 1997): 77 Chicago: Time, c1974- ArticleFirst.
Last days of the iron lung. 2005. (sound recording) Dudley F Rochester. Charlottesville, VA: Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia Health System.
Landmark perspective: The iron lung. First practical means of respiratory support. PA Drinker; McKhann CF 3rd. JAMA : the Journal of the American Medical Association, 1986 Mar 21; 255(11): 1476-80 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Inside the Iron Lung. Mimi Rudulph. Abbotsbrook, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire : Kensal Press, ©1984.
Political return of the iron lung. DS Greenberg. Lancet, 1993 Dec 18-25; 342(8886-8887): 1543 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
The iron lung as history: a curator's thoughts. Jack Lufkin. Palimpsest. Vol. 75, no. 1 (Spring 1994).
The iron lung: halfway technology or necessary step? JH Maxwell. The Milbank quarterly, 1986; 64(1): 3-33 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
The Death of a Disease: A History of the Eradication of Poliomyelitis. Bernard Seytre, Mary Shaffer; NetLibrary, Inc. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, ©2005.
The Man in the iron lung: poems. Mark O'Brien Book : Poetry Berkeley, CA : Lemonade Factory, ©1997.
Breathing lessons the life and work of Mark O'Brien. 1996. (videorecording; VHS tape) Jessica Yu; Sandra Tsing Loh; Mark O'Brien; Pacific News Service.; Inscrutable Films.; Fanlight Productions. Boston, MA : Fanlight Productions.
The iron lung: first practical means of respiratory support. Philip Drinker; Charles F McKhann. JAMA, Vol. 255, no. 11.March 21 1986.
The Man in the Iron Lung: the Frederick B. Snite, Jr. Story. Leonard C Hawkins Publisher: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1956.
An improved iron lung. Aj Murray. British Medical Journal, 1956 Jun 9; 1(4979): 1361 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
100 Medical Milestones that Shaped World History. Ruth DeJauregui. San Mateo, CA: Bluewood Books, ©1998.
A Being Breathing Thoughtful Breath: The History of the British Iron Lung, 1832-1995. Richard Hill. Langley, Berks ©1995.
A practical mechanical respirator, 1929: the "iron lung." JA Meyer .The Annals of thoracic surgery, 1990 Sep; 50(3): 490-3. Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
The iron lung. R. Long. Medical technicians bulletin, 1952 Sep-Oct; 3(5): 202-6. Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Has the "iron lung" been superseded? A Kukowka. The British journal of clinical practice, 1961 Dec; 15: 1023-8. Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Portraits of Mark O'Brien. 1995. (archival visual material) Jessica Yu. CA.
Breathing lessons the life and work of Mark O'Brien. 1996 (video recording; VHS tape) J. Yu.
Key word suggestions for additional publication searches: artificial respiration, mechanical ventilation, pulmonary ventilation, respiratory paralysis, poliomyelitis, iron lung, Drinker iron lung.