The list of medical articles in this section date from 1981 to present and focus on polio's late effects, post-polio syndrome and aging with polio. They are listed in alphabetical order by first author.
References noted with the check mark are classic or seminal articles, summary articles or articles reporting longitudinal studies.
Effects of the Interactive Videogame Nintendo Wii Sports on Upper Limb Motor Function of Individuals with Post-Polio Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Endurance training effect on individuals with post-poliomyelitis
Polio paralytic. New problems: Post-polio Syndrome [abstract in English; full article in Spanish]
Reconstruction of Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Function with Muscle Transfer
Update on current and emerging treatment options for post-polio
Post-polio Syndrome
Education, occupation, and perception of health amongst previous polio patients compared to their siblings
Former poliomyelitis as a health and socioeconomic factor--a paired sibling study
Poliomyelitis: long-time consequences for social life
EFNS guideline on diagnosis and management of post-polio syndrome. Report of an EFNS task force
NEW STUDY ON AFM AND POLIO A new study concerning acute flaccid myelitis (AFM... More
NEW STUDY ON AFM AND POLIO A new study concerning acute flaccid myelitis (AFM... More