The list of medical articles in this section date from 1981 to present and focus on polio's late effects, post-polio syndrome and aging with polio. They are listed in alphabetical order by first author.
References noted with the check mark are classic or seminal articles, summary articles or articles reporting longitudinal studies.
Long-term Outcome of Unconstrained Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in Ipsilateral Residual Poliomyelitis
Total hip arthroplasty in patients affected by poliomyelitis
Why a Paper on Anesthesia and Polio in 2016?
Health-related quality of life and supportive care in patients with rare long-term neurological conditions
Persistent Poliovirus Infection: Development of New Models with Cell Lines
Secondary health conditions among middle-aged individuals with chronic physical disabilities: Implications for unmet needs for services
A very long-term longitudinal follow-up of persons with late effects of polio
Physical therapist management following rotator cuff repair on a patient with Post-polio Syndrome
Magnetic resonance findings of the anterior horns of the spinal cord in a patient with post-polio syndrome
Quality of life for post-polio syndrome: a patient derived, Rasch standard scale
NEW STUDY ON AFM AND POLIO A new study concerning acute flaccid myelitis (AFM... More
NEW STUDY ON AFM AND POLIO A new study concerning acute flaccid myelitis (AFM... More