Vera Trout Moore
While nurses and doctors did a remarkable job of preparing me for life after polio, my life could not have been as rewarding without my spiritual life.
When I was a young mother, elder ladies of the church invited me to join them at a morning coffee time when items were crafted for the annual bazaar. This simple beginning allowed me to progress through the channels of local, district, conference, national and international areas of service.
While my main allegiance is to Jesus Christ as my Savior, I am grateful to United Methodist Women for introducing me to a world of Christian service beyond the local church.
The most outstanding of these is likely traveling to Nairobi, Kenya, going on post-conference safari. This followed a pre-conference stopover in Rome and climbing the stairs to the Sistine Chapel. All this accomplished on long leg braces and two crutches.
As an expectant mother I suffered a fall and became aware of my helplessness. As I remember that day nearly 60 years ago, my concern was not for myself but the life within me. I prayed, confessing my helplessness and asked God to give me strength for what was ahead. I dedicated my total being to Jesus as my Savior and The Holy Spirit comforted me as I’d not known previously.
This was a new approach as the nurses and doctors had encouraged me physically to do all I could, independently, as the example President Franklin D. Roosevelt set for us.
I find it comforting now that the first voice I normally hear daily is from an audio Bible reading. My day begins listening to scriptures read to me from the internet, completing the entire Bible each year for several years now, adding my personal observations to a Word document journal.
Some years I’ve used various commentaries and devotional books, for example, Mornings with Tozer: A 366 Day Devotional. Next, I go to Twitter where I follow United Methodist Women to receive daily mission prayer focus and the birthdays. Then it’s to my Mary and Martha Mail Circle for our prayer focus.
My prayers and praises for the C-Sports team of the season allows me to be connected, to feel necessary, to be of service, while my life now is one of mainly being careful of my health and keeping my feet elevated the majority of the time.
If ever there was a good time to be a person with disabling conditions, this is the best time, so far.
The computer is a rich source of inspiration, when we use it wisely. I am enriched by studying the various commentaries, blogs, and friending Christians on Facebook and rejoicing in what their churches are doing.
I am at peace knowing I did what I could when I was able. I give thanks daily that I can continue to do what I can, as I am comfortably able now. I rejoice that I am connected spiritually, though not physically, with so many - those who remain here on earth and with those who have gone to Glory.
My earthly body does not allow me, any longer, to climb stairs but spiritually I fly with the Angels and see the wonders of God revealed.
Vera Moore and Iris Page founded the Mobile Area Post-Polio Support Group, Mobile, Alabama, in 1995.October 21, 2015
Tagged as: aging , quality of life , spirituality , wellness