Prof. Frans Nollet, MD, PhD
Frans Nollet, MD, PhD is a professor and chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Since 2015 he is also director of MOVE research institute Amsterdam of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, which conducts translational research in rehabilitation, sports and musculoskeletal regenerative medicine. He has conducted research in the field of post-polio syndrome since 1994, resulting in over 40 published peer-reviewed international papers. In 2002 he received his PhD for the thesis: Perceived health and physical performance in post-poliomyelitis syndrome. The Academic Medical Center serves as the national referral center for the late effects of polio in The Netherlands. There are about 13-15,000 polio survivors in The Netherlands out of a population of 16 million. In recent years, the number of young immigrants with polio residuals attending the clinic has increased.