I am continually amazed at how much the world has changed for me in California since the ADA was enacted. Monthly, I find new ways to maneuver on my Buzz-Around Golden Technologies scooter with my husband and granddaughter.
The picture above shows me on the accessible playground equipment at Griffith Park, California, September 2015. Devised by Shane's Inspiration Group, the equipment is totally usable and enjoyable on my scooter. Here, with my granddaughter Vianne Rose, we are having a wonderful time together. Not only was the playground equipment accessible, but the entire park had wonderful ramps, wide sidewalks and paved paths for my usability.
I had polio in 1947. I was paralyzed from the neck down, then regained use of arms and upper body. I have had post-polio for twenty-five years. I can no longer stand on either leg even with braces and crutches...and yet the ADA enables great adventures for the likes of me!
I am grateful!
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