Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Aging with a Physical Disability (2011)
Muscular Strengthening is one of the most common recommendations of physical medicine and rehabilitation for people with PPS struggling with symptoms. However, historically, any type of exercise was once thought to be bad for people with neuromuscular diseases (such as muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome, cerebral palsy, etc.).
This stigma has been difficult to overcome. Research has since shown exercise and physical activity to be the exact opposite – of great benefit – for people with neuromuscular disease.
In 2010, Tiffreau and colleagues published an article reviewing several studies that looked at muscular strengthening programs as a way to improve symptoms of post-polio such as fatigue, pain, sleep, muscle weakness or atrophy. This article looked at 14 different studies published from 1988 to 2008.
What types of muscle strengthening programs were studied?
The studies reviewed typically measured how well the program worked by looking at the participants’ maximum heart rate, oxygen use, volume of muscle, blood pressure, amount of weight being lifted, walking speed, or a strength measurement (like hand grip strength). A few studies looked at electromyography (EMG), which measures the electrical potential generated by the cells in the muscles. A physical therapist can tell how healthy a particular muscle is by the EMG results. Two studies included a measure of pain. Overall, the studies supported the benefits of muscle training programs for people with post-polio:
How do I start a muscle strengthening program?
References and Resources:
Tiffreau V, Rapin A, Serafi R, PerceboisMacadre L, Supper C, Jolly D, Boyer F-C.
Post-Polio and Rehabilitation. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2010, 53: 42-50.
Taylor NF, Dodd KJ, Damiano DL. Progressive Resistance Exercise in Physical Therapy: A Summary of Systematic
Reviews. Physical Therapy 2005, 85 (11)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines of Physical Activity for Older Adults – everyone/guidelines/olderadults.html
Tagged as: aging , exercise , weakness