Jean Graber, Central Kansas Polio Survivors Group
Presented at Promoting Healthy Ideas: PHI’s 11th International Conference, June 2014
Legacy means “that which is handed down.”
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Aging with Dignity!
Aging is inevitable and well-earned. Aging with the late effects of polio is perplexing and challenges our inner resources. Aging grants wisdom and time for reminiscing.
What photo represents your acquired wisdom? What photo would best represent your approach to aging?
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From my standpoint as a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the connection between constipation and post-polio syndrome is academic. i.e., it is an interesting discussion and may be important, but I am not sure it changes treatment. William M. DeMayo, MD
Here are some practical thoughts.
I would address the issue the same as a partial neurogenic bowel, i.e., in a stepwise fashion. It's hard to give a cookbook one size fits all answer, but some points would include the following:
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In 2016, Post-Polio Health International (PHI) surveyed health professionals with experience in post-polio patient care. A PowerPoint of some of the data can be viewed at Survey of Health Professionals with Experience in Post-Polio Patient Care. Post-Polio Health, Volume 33, Number 3, (August, 2017) will feature an article about the results, too.
One thought not discussed in either of the above is related to definition and ICD-10 codes. The survey asked health professionals the following.
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Joyce Ann Tepley, LMSW/ACP, LCP
1. Approach one's life from the inside out.
2. Anything one does physically comes from an idea first.
3. Work with intention rather than will power.
4. Attitude is more iimportant than activity.
5. An attitude is an idea blended with emotion. It is the most powerful energy in the world.
6. One can profit from a negative attitude just as from a positive attitude. It does not matter as long as one has an attitude of learning.
7. Living is a process, not a goal.
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