Polio Place

A service of Post-Polio Health International

Living With Polio

Millions of individuals who had polio are living in all areas of the world. Survivors range in age from a few months to nonagenarians (in their nineties). Aftereffects vary greatly depending on the number and location of the nerve cells destroyed by the poliovirus. The challenge or ease of living with polio varies for each survivor, depending on the availability of medical care and rehabilitation opportunities, and their family and social support.

Advice, hints, explanations, etc., are categorized by topic and are searchable. The source of the material is identified.

Reminder: PHI’s post-polio.org and IVUN’s ventusers.org or ventnews.org features numerous articles to assist in living with polio.

Intimidated by the opinionated

Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska

QUESTION: “Some people in my group seem to have very definite, strong and unwavering opinions. Their voices are always heard, because they speak up.  Now, I am hesitant to open up any discussion because they dominate and others clam up.  What can I do to create a better atmosphere during the meetings, so others can be heard (and want to come back to the meetings)?

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Who's in charge? Role of spouses

Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska

QUESTION: ”Who’s in charge? In our group, some of the spouses have taken over the leadership roles and they are not as understanding of our situation. Has this happened to other groups? How was it rectified?”

ANSWER: Who do you want to be in charge?

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Clash of members' "abilities"

Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska

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Newsletter content

Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska

QUESTION: “We have published a support group newsletter for more than ten years and feel it is time to re-evaluate its content. What should go into a good polio newsletter?”

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Working with physicians in our area

Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska

QUESTION: “My physician seems to have little knowledge of potential polio problems. Should I be worried? What are my options?”

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