It sounds a little threatening, doesn’t it?
Not voting or expressing our opinions about our countries’ policies can threaten us. We must vote, knowing that in some countries polio survivors can’t.
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October 9-15 is WE'RE STILL HERE! week. This year’s focus is to encourage places of worship to make their buildings and programs more accessible. As the late effects of polio bring on new weakness and as we age, it becomes more and more difficult to do the things we used to do, ie, maneuver the stairs, read printed material and hear speakers. Many times it is easier to just stay home, an act that isolates us.
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For 2019's WE'RE STILL HERE Week, PHI invited its members to go out and spread the word about the importance of vaccination.Members were encouraged to approach local media outlets, schools or other community groups to talk about their experiences and why vaccinating remains vitally important. PHI assisted by supplying a factsheet containing relevant information and talking points.
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PHI’s 12th annual awareness campaign runs from October 7-13, 2018. This year, we invited polio survivors to tell us why "They’re Still Here!" by writing an essay explaining what resources, people or experiences in their life have allowed them to thrive.
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Aging with Dignity!

Aging is inevitable and well-earned. Aging with the late effects of polio is perplexing and challenges our inner resources. Aging grants wisdom and time for reminiscing.
What photo represents your acquired wisdom? What photo would best represent your approach to aging?
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Nancy Baldwin Carter, Omaha, Nebraska
QUESTION: "We have a number of new members as a result of the publicity our group got through the WE'RE STILL HERE! campaign. Several of the people who called expressed their fears, which I think we all have. How can we help members address their fears in a meaningful way?”
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For WE'RE STILL HERE! Week, October 9-15, 2016, PHI asked of its Members - Send us a photo that illustrates polio survivors are active participants in family life. Have you taken your grandkids on a trip? Have you participated in their school activities? Do you contribute to your family life day to day in ways that may “surprise” others who do not have a disability?
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Show Me Accessibility!
For WE'RE STILL HERE! Week, October 11-17, 2015, PHI asked its Members - What activities do you now enjoy that were previously impossible to access? What places have you now visited that were previously inaccessible? Send us a photo that illustrates the ability to access the activity or location.
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